Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Time to remember our children ARE CHILDREN!!

Ok, so I don't profess to know everything but I am passionate about some things and Child Protection is one!! 
I have attached an article about the Deputy Children's Commissioner speaking about the recent grooming incident in Rochdale. This is not just about the grooming and the welfare systems in place in this country, yes there are drastic changes that need to be made, and this incident was horrific and never should have got to the scale that it did but it can only change by the government releasing more money to support local authorities/support agencies to provide the support that is needed and train professional and competent staff who can tackle these issues without the red tape that is currently in place.  Children's Social Care need to have enough trained, quality social workers in place to be able to deal with the growing numbers of children in need in this country.  There needs to be an easy referral route into Social Care and the thresholds in place need to be re-aligned in order to meet the needs of the children and young people we are striving to protect and look after.

As an aside to this issue we, as parents and a society have to now look at our young people and the images that they see.  I truly believe that our young people are being 'sexualised' far too early and the 'popstars' and 'celebrities' (and I use that in the loosest term possible) of today are NOT good role models for our children and young people.  If you look at children's magazines and TV, even clothes nowadays they are all about being 'sexy' and looking good... what's that about???
I have a 4 year old girl and I intend to keep her as a 'little girl' as long as possible.  She does NOT have crop tops, high heels and clothes that are beyond her years!!  These children are desperate to grow up and why??  Are we not allowing our children to be CHILDREN anymore? Are parents wanting their children to grow up quicker to make their lives easier??  I'm not sure.  What I do know is this doesn't help our young people when there are people out there who see them as sexual objects from such a young age.
I only hope that things change and children can be children again!!

1 comment:

  1. so true when i was young we did sex education at 15 there wasnt half clothed women on tv etc . the fashion industry is making very unappropriate hot pants crop tops etc in the age 6 section of clothes shop my children will stay small as long as i have my way x
