Thursday, 3 January 2013

Council Housing Crisis

Over the holiday period I posted a couple of blogs about children who were homeless and living  in refuge's or temporary accommodation.  This is a situation that we would all hope we never found ourselves in, however, it may happen.  All it needs is a separation in your family or a redundancy and you could find yourself there.

Imagine my horror and shear frustration when I was driving home on Boxing Day and stumbled across LBC's radio phone in.  At the point I tuned in they were talking about the shortage of council housing in the country and the reasons for this.  The presenter was asking whether or not people who are living in council houses that are now too big for them should be asked to move.  Now I know the government have flaunted this idea recently and it has caused quite a stink, personally I think we need to re look at the purpose of council housing and make a stand against those that abuse their right to have a council house.

Should a council house be for life?  The simple answer for me is NO.  A council house should be an emergency accommodation that can be used to support people getting back on their feet and in a position to move on with their lives.  It shouldn't be seen as a right to have a council house - they're just isn't enough of them to go around.  Now don't get me wrong, I am all for people who need help getting the help they require, what I am not keen on is people abusing the welfare system and milking it for all they can get.  

One o the phone is guests on the show explained that she and her family had been on the waiting list for a council house for 10 years.  The lady began getting emotional, and at first you would think Oh My God, that's ridiculous 10 years is a long time.  She then went on to tell her story, there is her, her husband and their child.  Both adults are working and are currently living in privately rented accommodation.  At this point I was shouting at my radio (much to the disgust of Titch, The Boy and t'other half who were sleeping nicely in the car).  Why did this lady believe that she was entitled to a council house?  why was she getting upset because she hadn't had her banding changed in years?  BECAUSE YOU ARE WORKING AND YOU HAVE A HOUSE!!!!!  There are plenty of people out there who don't have a house and this family would be depriving one of them further if they were offered a council house.

The other thing that wound me up about this programme was the general public's lack of knowledge on how Local Authorities work.  One lady from East London came on and said she had been asking her council for years to find her somewhere smaller to live (she had a 4 bed council house with garden), when asked where she wanted to live she said Bognor or Wales!  A local authority can't place someone out of their area as that new authority will have a very long waiting list too.  It's just not that easy, but people were under the impression that it should be straightforward.  She needs to be pestering the authorities where she wants to live to try and get housed, unfortunately her priority rating will be low because she already has somewhere to live.

I do think the government needs to look at the situation and ensure people who are living in housing that they no longer require, single people in large homes etc, are moved to more appropriate housing. The council houses should never have been sold originally, but we can't look backwards, we need to address the situation we are currently in.


  1. An excellent perspective!!
    I work with people on welfare support and although most are normal people who have stumbled accross hard times, I have come across many that feel the state owes them a living, and somewhere to live furthermore, without the inconvenience of giving anything back to the system.
    It is time that the Government, in is infinite wisdom, did something to modify both the system and the mindset of those who see it as their right and entitlement to an easy life. There is no such thing!
    It’s time we woke up and discovered nothing is for free. The welfare state is a fall back for those in dire need, not a lifestyle choice for the workshy.
    I'd love your thoughts on the benefits system!

  2. I would be more than happy to post my thoughts on the welfare system we currently have in the UK, I will post it as soon as I can.
    Thanks for your thoughts and comments..
