I was asked to write my views on the current benefit system we use in the UK following my post about the 'Council Housing Crisis', as you can imagine this is a very emotive topic and one that has taken some careful consideration of all the points that need to be made.
So to start with I want to think about all the people that NEED to claim benefits. I believe that there are people out there that are deserving of their benefits, for example, those who are disabled or unable to work due to health reasons and the elderly.
Unfortunately there are some people who truly believe that the country owes them a living, and it's these people that I question as to whether they are deserving of help from the state.
I would also question whether enough checks are done on people who emigrate to this country to see if they have money in the home country??
It is quite clear that this country doesn't have enough money to go around and some cuts have to be made, strangely, I find myself agreeing with the Conservative Government on quite a few (not all) of the changes they would like to impose.
We have got to accept that we cannot go on doling out money to those that don't need it, if that means cutting child benefit from the top earners or cutting housing benefit then so be it. What would be nice would be to see the MP's taking a cut too (a drastic cut in salary, not a pathetic 1%), this would then make the people feel as though we are all in it together. This, I fear, is easier said than done as there will always be people who complain that their money is being cut.
There are jobs out there - people need to realise that they have to do whatever job they can and are not going to go straight into a £20k job. I HATE the argument that migrants are 'coming over here and taking our jobs'. I mean, come on, those who say this are generally those who haven't worked a day in their lives and find it an easy excuse. There are jobs, unfortunately, it might mean swallowing your pride and taking whatever you can get, but there are jobs.
What has happened to the work ethic of this country? Generations ago there was real shame in accepting help from the Salvation Army and having to get handouts for school clothes/shoes etc, nowadays it's seen as a right to have these things paid for you. We are now in an epidemic of workshy youths who believe that the world owes them a living, don't get me wrong not all young people are like this, but it is a culture that is growing more and more. It's a vicious circle that no-one seems to be able to break. In other European countries Job Seekers Allowance, or their equivalent, is only available to those who HAVE paid into the system already and they only get a certain amount back which is relative to what they have paid in. Therefore, any young people who haven't worked will NOT be able to claim anything. There Parent's are responsible for them. Anyone who moves to them countries must have money to sustain themselves, if they end up out of work they will be able to claim but only what they have paid in... this seems a fairer system (one that will never be adopted here though)
I had an interesting discussion with my Mother-in-Law over the holiday period about this, she was stating that she felt all those who were addicts shouldn't be given handouts/vouchers for their vices. She is a staunch Labour supporter and feels that they would 'deal' with these people more effectively than the current government.... I had to point out to her that this is exactly what the Labour government stand for and if anyone wold stand up to them it would be the current government... I was wrong....apparently.
I have read a few Facebook posts recently with regards to the Early Education Grant for 2 Year Olds, for those of you who don't know, people who are claiming Income Support/JSA/Child Tax Credits and are NOT entitled to Working Tax Credits can claim 15 hours free childcare, however, these places are limited and there are other criteria that need to be met before a place is offered. The Government aim is that ALL 2 year olds will benefit from 15 hours free childcare and are aiming for this to happen from 2014. Now people have been complaining because they see it as yet another handout for those that don't work and that they are being penalised for working. I ask you to think about the children in all this. They might not be from stable, loving homes and may desperately need this escape where a professional can look after them and monitor them. Also by providing this childcare, Parents are encouraged to seek part time work or enrol on courses to up skill so they can seek employment. It's very easy for people to throw stones where they don't know the full story, but I beg you to think about the children who are benefiting not the adults.
If anything in this country is to change, then we all have to prepare to tighten our belts and stop feeling that we are owed a living by the government, things HAVE to change, the system needs to be tightened up, it would help if the different agencies talked and shared information then people wouldn't receive things they are not entitled to and we have to teach the next generation what work is all about.
Great post and totally agree with your points. I could talk about the benefit system until I was blue in the face. Something has to change as it isn't right that my OH and I go out and work hard for what we have and yet somewhere on our same street people are being given money for anything they can get off the government and usually more than we're earning in a month.